Sunday, September 14, 2008

"A foul mouthed indie grad student . . ."

one of my students blogged about me. (Scroll down to the English 101 part.) i think this kid is probably smarter than me, which makes me afraid that i will not be able to teach him anything about being a better writer.

i still feel flattered.


Anonymous said...

well, it is possible that I am smarter than you, and I am taking English Comp a second time. (the first time being my senior year for shits and giggles(although your class seems to have many "shit!"s and quite a few giggles.))

but you are a grad student, and you are at least prolific in your writing, and I am rather lazy when it comes to writing

but hey, maybe that student teacher/teacher student thing will work out

shanti said...

"Some people in the class seem a bit creeped out by him, but they enjoy the class anyway."

oh man. this is priceless. what up, big bear?

Rho Ell Ste said...

There's some its/it's confusion in his blog. He has things to learn yet.

Rho Ell Ste said...

rather rather rather rather rather rather rather rather rather rather

a.k.a. "Joe" said...

Anyone who inspires a student to revive a Beowulf story concept should have that go down on his permanent record . . .
. . . And where are them damn chapbooks I paid fer, boy!