Many people only visit the posts I made about Bill Cosby or Tao Lin. That is fine.
But some people visit regularly from places that make me wonder who they are. Especially, if you are in the Washington D.C. area, I have no idea who you are but would like to. Also, Seattle. If you are in Seattle you might be Haakon Haakenson or Drew Kunz, but you might be someone else, too.
Feel free to 'weigh in' if I did not mention the city you live in or around.
Thank you whoever reads my blog.

Joe Harrington blogged some things about blogging on his blog -- that blogging is consciousness or something like that.Read for yourself. (Then click to his main page because there are multiple blogposts about blogging on Joe H's blog of himself.)
I think I talked to Gabe about this, too: why blog? etc.
I spilled juice on my laptop tonight and had to cut off important g-chats with Erin and Cush.

I took the whole thing apart and put it back together and it works fine but I lost a screw.
Happy Birthday to that guy who does the Perez Hilton Blog. I am now glad I shaved my moustache.
I just wasted your time.

hi robert i read your blog
thank you, Actual Kansas Intern. it is your job to read my blog. just kidding!
I read it! And I advise others to do so. That is, I advise others to do in the act of saying "I advise others to do so." It's, like, a performative utterance.
I subscribe to your blog on Google Reader. I read your blog in Seattle, where I live. These are all good things.
Kasey, thank you. I tell people to read your blog too, but when I do it I feel like I am 'name dropping.' Lime Tree is good, dear readers. Please click on Kasey's blog from my main page 'Click on things to make you happy.' portion on the right side.
Brittany, you are not Haakon or Drew. They are the only two people I know in that area. It makes me happy that you subscribe. Did Kasey tell you to read my blog? I will link to your blog. Thank you.
dear readers, please click on Brittany's blog now, too.
No, he didn't, actually. I'm sorry to say that I have no idea how I found out about your blog! Nevertheless, it's a good read, although you do talk about Tao Lin too much (for my taste). Tao Lin, if you read this, no offense, but for realsies... I will link to your blog as well! I'm also sorry to say that linking to your blog on my blog won't get you much publicity, but it is a symbol of good blogging friendship and comradery!
I read this blog too
And me (I'm in D.C.)
I never read your blog.
i read your blog to get to mr. lin
I read the fuck out of your blog. I'm glad you didn't die when that g-chat cut off so uncerimonously.
I'm so glad I read your blog, b/c now I will recognize you tomorrow morning, whereas I wouldn't have, otherwise. It's like a moustache-less Groucho. Or R. Crumb.
I visit here from time to time, as well. We met at Freestate where I scolded you for threatening to sue Lyn Hejinian for stealing something you had not yet acquired the copyright to.
paul, who are you? thank you for being my most mysterious reader.
eeink, i remember you. hi. thanks.
sandra, anne, gabe, joe: hi.
mike h: i miss you a lot.
matthew christman: you are my best friend. you would be tied for my best friend, but you are alone at the top right now because jesse didn't comment on this blog post, and that is how i am measuring my friends now.
I don't have a statement about who I am, but I'm a stranger: a friend's blog directed me to Lime Tree; from there I traveled to Ma-vie-en-bling; from there to here. I was impressed by what was attempted surrounding the reading you all gave with Tao Lin.
Sometimes your blog is the best thing I read all day, Rob. You told me about {LIMETREE} and I didn't think you were name-dropping. I like {LIMETREE}.
I check your blog every day, but if the post is long I just skim it. That is true, not a joke.
I think I like to say blog way too much.
(Commenting on this blog.)
Reading it.
I read your blog, Rob.
I like your lack of moustache. Your upper lip now looks ready for spring. It is like the side of a beige umbrella, with fewer divots.
Hey, when does your semester end?
thanks to everyone who reads and checked in via the comments.
Hey, I read this blog, too! But I like to fashionably late to the comment box ...
Sometimes I read blogs like yours with breakfast.
i admit i haven't been reading your blog much, but i will now start.
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