Saturday, October 25, 2008

Financial Profile for Robert J. Baumann

Savings Account: N/A
Checking Account: $544.56
Next Paycheck: $544.87 due 10/31/08 (direct deposit to said checking)

Student Debt: $18,200
Credit Debt: $17,900
Debt to Friends/Family: $1250

Bills Due Soon:
Rent: $350 (11/1/08)
Geico: $255.60 (10/31/08)
Bank of America: $169.00 (11/12/08)
USBank: $217.20
Toyota: $44.50

Monthly Income: $1089
Average Monthly Expenses: $975
Available Credit: $7600
Likelihood of Using Said: 50-70%

Summary: I'm fucked.


chuibreg said...

We are pretty identically fucked.

We should throw a lavish party.

Karl Saffran said...

In my experience, financial self-deprecation doesn't work as well as other forms of self-deprecation. Especially ladywise.