Tuesday, October 30, 2007

struggling with an unripe avocado.


Adventure Music said...

What do you mean by this? Is it just a phrase that you like?

matthew christman said...

Hi! I'm Adam, and I hope you've had a chance to check out that website I told you about, where you can make money by filling sandwich bags with hobo semen?

Anonymous said...

Don't struggle with the unripe. They bite.

Anonymous said...

And John: How cute.

Robert J. said...

i was actually struggling to pit and scoop the guts out of an unripe avocado. then i wrote the sentence. then i realized that it sounded nice. then i wrote a poem about it that i would post here but part of it is a concrete poem that wouldn't transfer, so i decided not to. if anyone wants, i will send them an e-mail attachment with the poem in it. i like it but will soon hate it. so it goes.